From the Mile high City...
To East Tennessee...
the Crain/Jefferson Enrichment Foundation is making moves to Inspire & impact as many disadvantaged & underrepresented Youth as possible.
Through our various scholarship programs,
through our youth conferences,
and through our Laptop give aways...
We aim to encourage and equip the youth today, in order to Improve and strengthen our communities tomorrow.
The Crain/Jefferson Enrichment Foundation is a non-profit organization created to educate, encourage and equip minority and disadvantaged youth with resources and skills they will need to achieve success and have a positive impact in the communities in which they live and serve.
Director's Note
Thank you for visiting our website. We invite you to explore the programs and initiatives we're putting forth to help educate and impact youth in our communities and across the world. C/JEF strives to motivate youth who have been underserved and/or underrepresented in our communities. Though we are a small organization, we offer scholarship opportunities and special programming where students can receive mentoring from well-accomplished professionals in various career fields and we've experiencd great success in providing guidance and wisdom to youth in multiple communities through our youth conferences that were recently established in 2022. We enjoy collaborating with other organizations with similar missions and we're proud of the direction we are headed.
Valentino Jefferson,
Executive Director
Help Inspire others! Donate to c/JEF
The Crain/Jefferson Enrichment Foundation is a Non-profit Organizaiton, under IRS code 501(c)(3). All charitable contributions are tax deductible and will go to programs directly supporting our mission. We seek to inspire young adults in our communities and your contribution helps us do that. Your support is greatly appreciated!