American Spons0rs scholarship
The Crain/Jefferson Enrichment Foundation (C/JEF) is honored to announce the establishment of the C/JEF American Sponsors Scholarship to be awarded to disadvantaged African students who will attend Maryam Abacha American University of Nigeria (MAAUN), Kano. The first 75 applicants from March 1st through April 30th each year will be accepted for consideration, but only a few scholarships will be awarded. To be considered for the award students interested in this scholarship shall meet all of the established eligibility requirements and submit their application package no later than April 30th.
Eligibility: To be considered for this scholarship students must exhibit a significant financial need, meet minimum university academic requirements, and submit the completed application with all associated documentation by the established due date. Those who are eligible and meet the listed criteria may be interviewed by the scholarship selection committee to determine if the scholarship will be awarded.Criteria:• Completed application must be submitted by the established due date.• High school graduates with high achieving JAMB and/or WAEC score results must be submitted with application.• Candidates must have documented plans to attend MAAUN to receive an award (eg. Letter of Acceptance or proof of enrollment).• The candidate will submit an essay answering one of the following questions: o Why do I believe it is important for me to obtain a college education? o Out of all the options to further my education, I choose MAAUN because…? o Why do I deserve the MAAUN American Sponsors Scholarship and what impact can it make?• Candidates must interview with the scholarship selection committee.• Students must remain in good academic standing and provide proof of enrollment each year to receive annual contributions.Instructions:• Click here for the application.• A minimum 250-word essay must be type written and submitted with the application.• All questions on the application must be answered completely.• Review criteria above and ensure all required information is submitted with the application.• Scan transcripts and other documents as necessary, then Submit the complete application package via email to